Research and Analytics

Strategic Analysis involves an in-depth discussion with the management team (you decide who participates) of what is most important to you, how you create value for customers, positive and negative forces at work, critical issues to be managed, visions for the future, and other vital elements.

This process is one we have continuously refined over many years to reflect what works best in the real world, including best practices of leading organizations. It is the ideal way to get a hands-on understanding of how you can improve your success, some things you do yourself and some with Lawrimore’s assistance. After facilitating the Strategic Analysis meeting, we prepare a summary report and recommendations – a menu of options for what you might do next – and present them to your group in a follow-up meeting.

Strategic Research involves surveying the perceptions, opinions and needs of customers, employees and other key groups.

This is important because the Strategic Analysis just gives one picture of reality – the management team’s view. But what do customers think about the company? And what ideas do your employees or associates have for improvements? And what’s going on in the marketplace in terms of competitors and trends that you might not be fully aware of? All these are questions which can be answered with various kinds of Strategic Research.

Strategic Research is also very valuable in providing information that will help make difficult decisions regarding critical issues and priorities uncovered in the Strategic Analysis.

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